About me
Hi, my name is Liam and I'm a 23 year old Unity Developer that studied Game Design and Development through Vega School Cape Town. I have always been playing games pretty since I could walk (PS1, PS2, Xbox 360, PS4 and now PC). After I left school I was unsure what I wanted to do so I decided to pursue game development as I thought it would be fun. So far I have loved working in groups and making games together whether that be for uni assignments, game jams or personal projects. I definitely prefer the development side of game making, but enjoying making 2D and 3D art and animation as well. I use Unity for most things and am skilled in using C# and C++ for OpenGL engine building.
What's next for me?
I am currently working at a Cape Town based studio called Egamea, where I have worked on many projects for mobile, VR and web. Currently busy working on my biggest project yet a 2D MMORTS called EcoEmpires, very exciting stuff expected soon.
Enjoying trying out my games and feel free to leave feedback. Okay Goodbye now :0